As of yesterday, we are the (still) proud parents of a 10 month old child - how crazy!
There are no weight/height stats because he doesn't have another doctor appointment until his 1 year, but he's getting bigger and looks healthy.
What he's been up to this month:
-throwing tiny temper tantrums when he doesn't want to get changed
-possibly popping another tooth through (he's been really "off" the last couple of days)
-trying lots of new foods
-swimming for the first time
-traveling to visit Uncle Keith (all of those pictures are on Nana's camera...)
-helping us pack and move
-snorting and roaring like a lion (or bear?)
A couple of other notes:
-As of 10:00 last night, I AM A STAY-AT-HOME MOTHER!!
-We are going to Alaska in 5 days!!
Here are a bunch of pictures. ENJOY!